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Why does our body need blood circulation?

Talking about blood

You can walk, run or do any of your favorite activities in your daily life because of the capabilities of your body. You can eat, see, smile, stand, sit, think all because nerves tell systems in your body to respond in a certain way. Your body can do all of these things as long as you supply your muscles, nerves, bones and other organs with good nutrients to keep them strong, working properly and healthy.

The nutrients are in your blood. Blood is essential for good health because the body depends on a steady supply of fuel and oxygen to reach its billions of cells. Without blood, our organs couldn’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive, you couldn’t keep warm or cool off, you couldn’t fight infections, and you couldn’t get rid of your own waste products. Without enough blood, you’d weaken and die. The heart pumps blood through the arteries, capillaries and veins to provide oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body. The blood also carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system, from where they are removed from the body.

Blood and massage

Now you see that blood is very important for your body. Imagine if your blood did not flow properly through your body. Your body could not handle the bacterial and viral infections and other complications would follow. Toxins would build-up in your muscles leading to muscle pains and other ill effects would take place in your body due to poor blood circulation.

The reason behind numb, restless muscles, dizziness, improper posture can often be traced back to the reason that not enough blood is reaching certain areas of the body.

How can you make blood flow? You can start by taking care of yourself, eating well, exercising 30 minutes per day and 3 times a week. You can also help yourself through regular massage.

Thai massage & blood circulation

The idea of blocking energy lines - a concept in Thai massage- works best for promoting blood circulation and stimulating internal organs. Most of my clients report that they felt their blood circulating better throughout their bodies, feeling warm and healthy. Moreover, the techniques of movement and stretching in Thai massage also helps to increase their flexibility.

Improve your health without paying

The best and the cheapest way to help increase your blood flow is to exercise. When you exercise your heart beats faster so that it can pump more blood to throughout your body. However, if you experience muscle pain from exercising too much or improper posture, Thai therapeutic technique may assist to reduce your pain.

Thai massage vs. working out: If you are not be able to work out, Thai massage could benefit you as well. Many clients reported that receiving a Thai massage is similar to working out based on the movements that are incorporated in this technique.